event day

Whakapapa Ski Field

coming in


Run where the mountains meet the sky

all entrants receive...
  • Event gift
  • Choice between a customised event medal, or a tree planted
  • Sky Waka Gondola pass for the day
  • On course refreshments
  • Recorded elevation reading in race results, and opportunity for merit/spot prizes
pricing - dash challenge

Pricing information to be confirmed.

pricing - endurance challenge

Pricing information to be confirmed.

No Saturday registration.
Friday evening pre event registration between 5.15pm and 7.15pm is compulsory for all Sky Waka Vertical Challenge entrants. There is no opportunity for pre event registration on race day.
minimum age
Entrants must be 16 years on event day unless an exemption (based on previous performances) is granted by the Race Management team.
compulsory gear
Information coming soon.
entry qualification
This event is a beast and you must be fully prepared to take on this distance and level of elevation change, high up in the mountains. Our safety management plan is comprehensive and is resourced to respond to both well prepared entrants ‘having a bad day’ and the usual spills an event like this could have. It is however critical that underprepared entrants in any specific distance are shifted to an alternate distance – one in which they feel fully prepared to meet the challenge ahead. There is no prerequisite qualifying time for the Sky Waka Vertical Challenge events as such (that may come in future years) but you will be asked to submit answers to some simple questions about your event history during the online registration process.
In accordance with our Safety Management documentation and upon reviewing your supplied information, our course team reserves the right to request additional/updated information or evidence of preparedness from you, and/or downgrade your entry to a shorter distance. Appropriate refunds will be made in these scenarios.
tracks and terrain used
All entrants start the event outside the Sky Waka gondola platform at the top of Bruce Road. They then run approx 100m down Bruce Road, turn anti clockwise around the roundabout, before heading 100m back up Bruce Road. Entrants then follow the Waterfalls Descent Track right up to the entry point of the Sky Waka Gondola at Knoll Ridge. Once back down, another loop begins by heading down Bruce Road towards the roundabout.
aid station
It’s strongly recommended that all entrants are 100% self sufficient on course. There will be one aid station on course just prior to entrants heading up the Waterfalls Descent Track, meaning entrants will see an aid station after every 2.5km they complete. The station will have medical support, food, shelter and drinks available to entrants. More specific details on this coming soon.
time spent in the dark
Due to the early morning start, entrants and supporters are encouraged to be armed with headlamps when moving from the carparking areas, up to the race briefing/start area in the morning. There should be no need for headlamps on the event course.
drop bag service
Anytime during the Friday event registration, entrants have the opportunity to provide our crew with specific gear/food/drink that they would like available to them at the Aid Station at the bottom of the Waterfalls Descent Track. All gear must be in your own bags (ideally super recognisable to you). Make sure your bags are sealed, compact and have your name on them. Drop bags will need to be collected by entrants prior to the end of the event prizegiving.
parking and transport
There will be plenty of parking made available near the top of Bruce Road for your early morning start line adventure. Transport options will be confirmed soon.


Early morning session

0600hrs Late Registration Opens
0640hrs Race Briefing
0641hrs Civil Twilight
0645hrs Karakia
0655hrs Course Active (max of 500 runners on the course at anytime)
0655hrs START 70x Individuals
0657hrs START 35x Pairs – 70 runners starting
0659hrs START 24x Wave A Teams – 72 runners starting
0703hrs START 24x Wave B Teams – 72 runners starting
0707hrs START 24x Wave C Teams – 72 runners starting
0710hrs Sunrise
0711hrs START 24x Wave D Teams – 72 runners starting
0715hrs START 24x Wave E Teams – 72 runners starting
1115hrs First Session Course Closes

Late morning session

0600hrs Late Registration Opens
1125hrs Race Briefing
1130hrs Course Active (max of 500 runners on the course at anytime)
1130hrs START 72x Dash Individuals
1132hrs START 70x Endurance Individuals
1136hrs START 35x Pairs – 70 runners starting
1140hrs START 24x Wave G Teams – 72 runners starting
1144hrs START 24x Wave H Teams – 72 runners starting
1147hrs START 24x Wave I Teams – 72 runners starting
1149hrs START 24x Wave J Teams -72 runners starting

1545hrs Course Closes
1630hrs Event Prizegiving